Quotes about Dependence
Do you want to trust your life in God's pocket or keep it in your own?
- Billy Graham
What does God require of us? Our part is to believe. Our work is to trust the Lord. His requirement is that we let go and let God.
- Joyce Meyer
Trust is greater than love.
- David O. McKay
That we ought, once for all, heartily to put our whole trust in GOD, and make a total surrender of ourselves to Him, secure that He would not deceive us.
- Brother Lawrence
When we panic, we instinctively turn to our own internal resources because we doubt Him.
- Charles Swindoll
People that trust wholly to other's charity, and without industry of their own, will always be poor.
- William Temple
When it comes to trust it is better to have it than to live without it.
- Jon Jones
You will never truly realize God is all you need until He becomes all you have.
- Mother Teresa
I think that we may safely trust a good deal more than we do.
- Henry David Thoreau
I discovered an astonishing truth: God is attracted to weakness. He cannot resist those who humbly and honestly admit how desperately they need him.
- Jim Cymbala
If prayer depends on how I pray, I'm sunk. But if the power of prayer depends on the One who hears the prayer, and if the One who hears the prayer is my Daddy, then I have hope.
- Max Lucado
A person can live a day without silver or gold, but coffee? No thanks.
- Max Lucado