Quotes about Dependence
We can have no power from Christ unless we live in a persuasion that we have none of our own.
- John Owen
Keep in mind ... to a dog you are family to a cat you are staff.
- Anonymous
A Christian who does not pray is like prince in beggars clothes who stands but a few inches from His father's throne and yet does not ask.
- Paul Washer
Father, help us to rest our heads on the soft pillow of Your providence.
- Alistair Begg
Fear arises when we imagine that everything depends on us.
- Elisabeth Elliot
God is looking for imperfect men and women who have learned to walk in moment-by-moment dependence on the Holy Spirit. Christians who have come to terms with their inadequacies, fears, and failures. Believers who have become discontent with 'surviving' and have taken the time to investigate everything God has to offer in this life.
- Charles Stanley
God does not help those who help themselves; He helps those who know they cant help themselves.
- Joyce Meyer
Next to God we are nothing. To God we are Everything.
- Cicero
Fasting confirms our utter dependence upon God by finding in Him a source of sustenance beyond food.
- Dallas Willard
Without confidence, there is no friendship.
- Epicurus
A woman can't be alone. She needs a man. A man and a woman support and strengthen each other. She just can't do it by herself.
- Marilyn Monroe
Throwing down your staff is letting go and letting God. And that's counterintuitive for those of us who are control freaks. As our executive pastor Joel Schmidgall likes to say, "You can have faith or you can have control, but you cannot have both." If you want God to do something off the chart, you have to take your hands off the controls.
- Mark Batterson