Quotes about Abilities
Everyone can be a 10 at something, but our problem is that we often work so hard on trying to overcome our weakness that we never develop our strengths.
- Joyce Meyer
He says that you have gifts and talents and abilities; you are capable; anything He asks you to do you can do; you are strong in the Lord and not weak; you are forgiven; and on and on and on.
- Joyce Meyer
We do not mean to count or weigh our contributions by any standard other than that of our abilities.
- Thomas Jefferson
Leadership is the ability to recognize the special abilities and limitations of others, combined with the capacity to fit each one into the job where he will do his best.
- J. Oswald Sanders
From such a society a committee might be appointed, whose business it should be to procure all the information they could upon the subject, to receive contributions, to enquire into the characters, tempers, abilities and religious views of the missionaries, and also to provide them with necessaries for their undertakings.
- William Carey
Gifts are abilities God gives us to meet the needs of others in Christ's name.
- Timothy Keller
Our ordinary abilities will never worship God unless they are transformed by the indwelling Son of God.
- Oswald Chambers
God seeth different abilities and frailties of men, which may move His goodness to be merciful to their different improvements in virtue.
- William Law