Quotes about Different
Christianity is, simply, good news. It is the news that something has happened as a result of which the world is a different place
- NT Wright
It is, in other words, inviting those who read it or pray it to imagine a different world from the one they see all around them—a world with a different Lord, a world in which the One God rules and rescues, a world in which a new sort of wisdom has been unveiled, a world in which there is a different way to be human. "Wisdom" is in fact the subtext of much of Colossians.
- NT Wright
It doesn't take long in marriage bedore you realize that your spouse doesn't share your instincts. At that point, either you worship God as sovereign and celebrate the different way of looking at the world that your spouse has blessed you with, or you dishonor him by trying to rewrite his story.
- Paul David Tripp
Then four great beasts came up out of the sea, each one different from the others:
- Daniel 7:3
And the ten horns are ten kings who will rise from this kingdom. After them another king, different from the earlier ones, will rise and subdue three kings.
- Daniel 7:24
There are different ways of working, but the same God works all things in all people.
- 1 Corinthians 12:6
For if someone comes and proclaims a Jesus other than the One we proclaimed, or if you receive a different spirit than the One you received, or a different gospel than the one you accepted, you put up with it way too easily.
- 2 Corinthians 11:4
He of whom these things are said belonged to a different tribe, from which no one has ever served at the altar.
- Hebrews 7:13
God's viewpoint is sometimes different from ours - so different that we could not even guess at it unless He had given us a Book which tells us such things....In the Bible I learn that God values us not for our strenght or our brains but simply because He has made us.
- Corrie Ten Boom
God's viewpoint is sometimes different from ours - so different that we could not even guess at it unless He had given us a Book which tells us such things. …In the Bible I learned that God values us not for our strength or our brains but simply because He has made us.
- Corrie Ten Boom
These people were different. Passionate, godly, sincere, authentic, transparent, hungry for Christ. It was instantly recognizable, too obvious to miss.
- Craig Groeschel
I have had no "guidance or teaching" from others to speak of, but taught myself; no wonder my technique, considered superficially, differs from that of others. But that's no reason for my work to remain unsaleable. I feel pretty sure that the large "Sorrow," "The Old Woman of the Geest," the "Old Man," and others, will find a purchaser someday.
- Vincent Van Gogh