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Quotes about Different

18. I will put My words in His mouth. This also clearly proves that the Prophet will teach something different.
- Martin Luther
For it is difficult to believe in God without an example, to be led by God as He led Abraham, a solitary individual, to see all the other peoples having an abhorrence for the religion you follow, to find that you alone believe and follow something different from all other men.
- Martin Luther
At the heart of Christian ethic is humility; at the heart of its parodies, pride. Different roads with different destinations, and the destinations color the character of those who travel by them.
- NT Wright
BIOGRAPHY, AS WE said before, involves thinking into the minds of people who did not think the same way we do. And history often involves trying to think into the minds of various individuals and groups who, though living at the same time, thought in very different ways from one another as well as from ourselves. Trying to keep track of the swirling currents of thought and action in Paul's world is that kind of exercise.
- NT Wright
Israel was called to be different, summoned to worship the One God, but Israel had failed drastically and had been exiled to Babylon as a result. A covenantal separation had therefore taken place. Prophet after
- NT Wright
History is always a matter of trying to think into the minds of people who think differently from ourselves.
- NT Wright
As with the ascension, there are several things we need to say right away about this extraordinary claim. (By now we ought to be getting used to extraordinary claims, not because we are dealing with fantasy or "supernatural" speculation, but because Jesus himself opens the window on a world that, though real and solid, is very different from the world as most people see it.) And the first thing is: don't believe everything you read about the Rapture.
- NT Wright
many people today assume that Christianity is one or more of these thingsā€”a religion, a moral system, a philosophy. In other words, they assume that Christianity is about advice. But it wasn't and isn't. Christianity is, simply, good news. It is the news that something has happened as a result of which the world is a different place.
- NT Wright
The gospels offer us not so much a different kind of human, but a different kind of God: a God who, having made humans in his own image, will most naturally express himself in and as that image-bearing creature; a God who, having made Israel to share and bear the pain and horror of the world, will most naturally express himself in and as that pain-bearing, horror-facing creature. This
- NT Wright
By six in the evening on the first Good Friday, according to the early Christians, the world was a different place. What was different? Why was it different? And how might that revolutionary difference challenge us today, summoning us to our own vocation as followers of the shameful, scandalous crucified Jesus?
- NT Wright
More satisfactory by far, at the level of history, is to say with Gerhard Lohfink that Jesus did not intend to found a church because there already was one, namely the people of Israel itself. Jesus' intention was therefore to reform Israel, not to found a different community altogether.
- NT Wright
we can understand only too well how it was that the Israelite people of old, and the Jewish people of Jesus's day, could very easily forget that their national dream and God's purposes for them might actually be two quite different things. The prophets existed to remind them of the fact; but prophets were easy to ignore or forget. Or kill.
- NT Wright