Quotes about Self-reflection
Working diligently to straighten up our actions without understanding either what it means to deeply repent or what it is that needs to be scrubbed away by repentance will make us more smug than penetrating. We'll pressure others to do right rather than draw them to want to do right. P195
- Larry Crabb
I am this month one whole year older than I was this time twelve-month; and having got, as you perceive, almost into the middle of my fourth volume—and no farther than to my first day's life—'tis demonstrative that I have three hundred and sixty-four days more life to write just now, than when I first set out; so that instead of advancing, as a common writer, in my work with what I have been doing at it—on the contrary, I am just thrown so many volumes back—
- Laurence Sterne
Wise criticism always begins with self-criticism.
- Abraham Joshua Heschel
I desire so to conduct the affairs of this administration that if at the end, when I come to lay down the reins of power, I have lost every other friend on earth, I shall at least have one friend left, and that friend shall be down inside me.
- Abraham Lincoln
Those who pretend that they can mend others should first mend themselves, and then they will be more readily believed.
- Aesop
If we are not regularly deeply embarrassed by who we are, the journey to self-knowledge hasn't begun.
- Alain de Botton
A winner is someone who can look in the mirror at the end of the day and say in pursuit of my goal and dreams I gave my best.
- Dick Vitale
If my sinfulness appears to me to be in any way smaller or less detestable in comparison with the sins of others, I am still not recognizing my sinfulness at all. ... How can I possibly serve another person in unfeigned humility if I seriously regard his sinfulness as worse than my own?
- Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Many people seek fellowship because they are afraid to be alone...let him who cannot be alone beware of community. He will do harm to himself and to the community. Alone you stood before God when he called you; alone you had to answer that call; alone you had to struggle and pray; and alone you will die and give an account to God. You cannot escape yourself, for God has singled you out.
- Dietrich Bonhoeffer
There is a wrong way of staying in the world and a wrong way of fleeing from it. In both cases we are fashioning ourselves according to the world.
- Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Talk about one's own guilt can be just as far from the Word of God as talk about one's innocence.
- Dietrich Bonhoeffer
How can I possibly serve another person in unfeigned humility if I seriously regard his sinfulness as worse than my own?
- Dietrich Bonhoeffer