Quotes about Deism
For example, it is often said today that Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin were Deists. Yet, each man in a variety of contexts spoke earnestly of their conviction as Theists—that God was both approachable by man and that God played an ever-active role in the affairs of man.
- Peter Lillback
George Washington's Sacred Fire intends to convince you that when all the available evidence is considered, the only viable conclusion is that George Washington was a Christian and not a Deist.
- Peter Lillback
It is a duty incumbent on every true deist, that he vindicates the moral justice of God against the calumnies of the Bible.
- Thomas Paine
Too often we believe like theists (a personal God) and act like deists (a distant, impersonal, noninteractive, uninvolved god). We say we believe in God, trust in God, and are sustained by God; but in our actions we do everything for ourselves, trusting in ourselves and anxious about the providence of God,
- Scot McKnight
Seventeenth-century deism constructed a God who created a universe and then walked away to leave it running according to its natural laws and man's devices. Many people today are practical deists.
- Jerry Bridges
Deism, therefore, or a Religion of Nature, pretending to make Man good and happy without Christ, or the Son of God entering into Union with the human Nature, is the greatest of all Absurdities.
- William Law
Deism, historically, produces atheism. First you make God a landlord, then an absent landlord, then he becomes simply absent.
- NT Wright
Most theists are deists most of the time, in practice if not in theory. They practice the absence of God instead of the presence of God.
- Peter Kreeft