Quotes about Christendom
The Roman church's unmistakable claim is that there is only one church and only one faith and that Christendom needs a visible head, a chief shepherd, to guide the church and to care for the faithful with fatherly care. The longing for a lost Western empire, longing for the corpus christianum in which emperor and pope together are guardians of the unity of the Christian West, cannot fade away as long as there is a papacy.
- Dietrich Bonhoeffer
An angel is a spiritual creature created by God without a body, for the service of Christendom and of the church.
- Martin Luther
In the Christianity of Christendom the Cross has become something like the child's hobby-horse and trumpet.
- Soren Kierkegaard
this whole thing about Christendom and a Christian world is a knavish trick on man's part, the notion that we really are Christians is a vain conceit by force of the knavish trick; on the other hand, the New Testament, entirely unchanged, is the guidebook for Christians, for whom things will go in this world as one reads in the New Testament, and who should not let themselves be disturbed by the fact that for knavish Christians things go differently in this world, a knavish world.
- Soren Kierkegaard
the Christianity of Christendom, takes this into account; it takes away from Christianity the offense, the paradox, etc., and instead of that introduces, probability, the plainly comprehensible. That is, it transforms Christianity into something entirely different from what it is in the New Testament, yea, into exactly the opposite; and this is the Christianity of Christendom, of us men.
- Soren Kierkegaard
Christendom has often achieved apparent success by ignoring the precepts of its founder.
- H Richard Niebuhr
Christendom is something quite different from Christianity, being the administrative or power structure, based on the Christian religion and constructed by men. (...) The founder of Christianity was, of course, Christ. The founder of Christendom I suppose could be named as the Emperor Constantine.
- Malcolm Muggeridge
Previous civilizations have been overthrown from without by the incursion of barbarian hordes. Christendom has dreamed up its own dissolution in the minds of its own intellectual elite. Our barbarians are home products, indoctrinated at the public expense, urged on by the media systematically stage by stage, dismantling Christendom, depreciating and deprecating all its values.
- Malcolm Muggeridge
Holy Christendom has, in my judgment, no better teacher after the apostles than St. Augustine.
- Martin Luther
My observation of Christendom is that most of us tend to base our relationship with God on our performance instead of on His grace.
- Tullian Tchividjian
SELECTING THE RIGHT TOOLS FOR GOOD BIBLE STUDY Probably one of the best-kept secrets in Christendom is the availability of practical Bible study helps. Many Christians are not aware of the many excellent reference tools currently available to make personal Bible study possible and exciting. This is comparable to a carpenter who sets out to build a house without knowing that a hammer and saw are available to him.
- Rick Warren
You cannot sell a Christendom approach to a post-Christian world. They are anti-Christian.
- Alan Hirsch