Quotes about Religion
Religious experience is neither the source nor the foundation of religious truth
- Herman Bavinck
Philosophy arose out of religion,
- Herman Bavinck
Culture, therefore, sinks into the background; man must first become a son of God before he can be, in a genuine sense, a cultured being.
- Herman Bavinck
It is supernaturalism, which in point of fact forms the point of controversy between Christianity and many panegyrists of modern culture.
- Herman Bavinck
Christian religion cannot abandon this supernaturalism without annihilating itself.
- Herman Bavinck
Gospel is in the Old and the New Testament alike the core of the divine revelation, the essence of religion, the sum total of the Holy Scriptures.
- Herman Bavinck
GOD, the world and man are the three realities with which all science and all philosophy occupy themselves. The conception which we form of them and the relation in which we place them to one another determine the character of our view of the world and of life, the content of our religion, science, and morality.
- Herman Bavinck
One arrives at metaphysics, at a philosophy of religion, only if from another source one has gained the certainty that religion is not just an interesting phenomenon—comparable to belief in witches and ghosts—but truth, the truth that God exists, reveals himself, and is knowable.
- Herman Bavinck
In case a dogma is not based on divine authority, it is wrong to call it by that name, and it should not have a place in the faith of the church.
- Herman Bavinck
Openly or secretly all turn back to an inborn disposition, to a religio insita.
- Herman Bavinck
All religion is supernatural, and rests upon the presupposition that God is distinct from the world and yet works in the world.
- Herman Bavinck
No psychology of religion can teach us what conversion is and ought to be; the Scriptures alone can tell us that.
- Herman Bavinck