Quotes about Religion
When it comes to physical healing and deliverance, there is an historical difference in quality and quantity regarding healing between Christianity and other religious systems or non-religious systems.
- Randy Clark
These days its not just that the line between right and wrong has been made unclear, today Christians are being asked by our culture today to erase the lines and move the fences, and if that were not bad enough, we are being asked to join in the celebration cry by those who have thrown off the restraints religion had imposed upon them. It is not just that they ask we accept, but they now demand of us to celebrate it too.
- Ravi Zacharias
Faith is the first step to understanding. Either it's the Word of an infallible God, the fallible words of men, or faith in what you personally believe. You've got to have faith in something. Believe me.
- Ray Comfort
It is true that you can't prove a negative. However, the existence of God is provable in the same way a building is positive proof that there was a builder.
- Ray Comfort
Atheists don't hate fairies, leprechauns, or unicorns because they don't exist. It is impossible to hate something that doesn't exist. Atheists — like the painting experts hated the painter — hate God because He does exist.
- Ray Comfort
I'm not a beatnik. I'm a Catholic.
- Jack Kerouac
Evolution is the key to avoiding the whole issue of God. When you challenge evolution, you're basically challenging someone on a spiritual level.
- Frank Peretti
I came to Christ in my early 20s.
- Karen Kingsbury
I had been raised in the church, but I wasn't a Christian. I had a lot of head knowledge but no heart knowledge.
- Francine Rivers
The whole essence of the Christian religion is based on the atonement of Christ, his death and his resurrection.
- Gordon Hinckley
I'm a Christian by choice.
- Barack Obama
I am a Christian.
- Jerry Falwell