Quotes about Religion
In our day, you can mock religion in public and even get funds for doing it. But you can't show respect for religion in public - or you risk being hauled into court.
- Charles Colson
Respect the gods and the devils but keep them at a distance
- Confucius
All religions lead to the same God, and all deserve the same respect.
- Paulo Coelho
Islam undoubtedly deserves respect. It has some things in common with Christianity, such as Abraham as a common progenitor, and the belief in only one God.
- Walter Kasper
Do you think it was part of some plan, that you got shot so you would end up in that church and discover religion?' Bruce shook his head. 'I got shot because someone was willing to exchange the name of an undercover cop for a lot of cash. Ending up in church--God was just kind enough to make something come out of the disaster that hit my life.
- Dee Henderson
The Bible says God is good. It's His personality, His nature. It's impossible for Him to do bad; it's outside His very character. And yet when we start to think about religion, about God, we spend most of our time trying to gather up the courage to trust and believe that God is actually going to be good to us and be willing to help us.
- Dee Henderson
You are whatever your faith is.
- Deepak Chopra
Finally, the Kingdom of God could never be one thing. It had to serve too many purposes and was entangled in too many aspects of traditional religion. I think the only way to solve the riddles posed by the Kingdom of God is to say that God exists in different places depending on your level of consciousness. This becomes critical on the spiritual path, because as your own awareness shifts, God does, too.
- Deepak Chopra
Unhappy, let alone angry, religious people provide more persuasive arguments for atheism and secularism than do all the arguments of atheists.
- Dennis Prager
Wisdom begins with reverence for God." No God, no wisdom (witness your local university).
- Dennis Prager
The phrase 'separation of church and state,' which appears in no founding document (only in a letter written by Thomas Jefferson), means that America must never have a state religion, not that the state be indifferent to religion.
- Dennis Prager
You cannot sell a Christendom approach to a post-Christian world. They are anti-Christian.
- Alan Hirsch