Quotes about Religion
If your very own brother, or your son or daughter, or the wife you embrace, or your closest friend secretly entices you, saying, “Let us go and worship other gods” (which neither you nor your fathers have known,
- Deuteronomy 13:6
Stone him to death for trying to turn you away from the LORD your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery.
- Deuteronomy 13:10
You are sons of the LORD your God; do not cut yourselves or shave your foreheads on behalf of the dead,
- Deuteronomy 14:1
Do not set up any wooden Asherah pole next to the altar you will build for the LORD your God,
- Deuteronomy 16:21
and do not set up for yourselves a sacred pillar, which the LORD your God hates.
- Deuteronomy 16:22
Let no one be found among you who sacrifices his son or daughter in the fire, practices divination or conjury, interprets omens, practices sorcery,
- Deuteronomy 18:10
No daughter or son of Israel is to be a shrine prostitute.
- Deuteronomy 23:17
You must not bring the wages of a prostitute, whether female or male, into the house of the LORD your God to fulfill any vow, because both are detestable to the LORD your God.
- Deuteronomy 23:18
Then the priest shall take the basket from your hands and place it before the altar of the LORD your God,
- Deuteronomy 26:4
‘Cursed is the man who makes a carved idol or molten image—an abomination to the LORD, the work of the hands of a craftsman—and sets it up in secret.’ And let all the people say, ‘Amen!’
- Deuteronomy 27:15
“Take this Book of the Law and place it beside the ark of the covenant of the LORD your God, so that it may remain there as a witness against you.
- Deuteronomy 31:26
They sacrificed to demons, not to God, to gods they had not known, to newly arrived gods, which your fathers did not fear.
- Deuteronomy 32:17