Quotes about Truth
God is so clear in spelling out His attributes in scripture in order that others would know what He is really like.
- Francis Chan
God, immortality, duty - how inconceivable the first, how unbelievable the second, how peremptory and absolute the third.
- George Eliot
If Christianity should happen to be true - that is to say, if its God is the real God of the universe - then defending it may mean talking about anything and everything.
- GK Chesterton
We cannot think that God frightens us with threatenings which He really does not mean to carry out, without doing Himself obvious dishonour.
- Henry Parry Liddon
Fanciful spiritualizing, so far from yielding God's meaning, actually obscured it. The literal sense is itself the spiritual sense, coming from God and leading to Him.
- JI Packer
Our consciences are not infallible, and they can become warped or weakened if not kept aligned by the infallible Word of God.
- J. Oswald Sanders
It's not unlikely that God would lie that would be a matter of probability. It is impossible for God to lie.
- James MacDonald
For my generation I must have the oracles of God in fresh terms.
- Jim Elliot
I think God's justice is making wrongs right.
- Joel Osteen
I'm not leading them to some false God or something like that.
- Joel Osteen
I think we use God's word. I think the principles that you hear Dr. Phil and some of those others talk about many times are right out of the Bible.
- Joel Osteen
But for me at any rate it was all part of dissolving the God trip or father-figure trip. Facing up to reality instead of always looking for some kind of heaven.
- John Lennon