Quotes about Truth
Who doesn't know that the first law of history is not to dare to say anything false, and the second is not to refrain from saying anything true?
- Cicero
The answer is surprisingly simple. Just do right. Live an honorable life.
- Lou Holtz
Simplicity is a key to avoiding complication. Part of the definition of simplicity is 'not complex or complicated; sincere.'
- Joyce Meyer
Only God can judge me so I'm gone, either love me or leave me alone.
- Jay-Z
I'm telling you a lie in a vicious effort that you will repeat my lie over and over until it becomes true
- Lady Gaga
It is the nature of all hypocrites and false prophets to create a conscience where there is none, and to cause conscience to disappear where it does exist.
- Martin Luther
What is true has never been a question to be decided by polls or popular opinion. Truth isn't 'democratic'—it's something that God has written into the very fabric of nature.
- Charles Colson
Evolution, as a mechanism, can be and must be true. But that says nothing about the nature of its author. For those who believe in God, there are reasons now to be more in awe, not less.
- Francis Collins
You cannot slander human nature; it is worse than words can paint it.
- Charles Spurgeon
Sincerity and truth are the basis of every virtue.
- Confucius
Death, like birth, is a secret of Nature.
- Marcus Aurelius
To call everything that appears illogical, fantasy, fairy tale, or chimera would be practically to admit not understanding nature.
- Marc Chagall