Quotes about Truth
The truth of human freedom lies in the love that breaks down barriers.
- Jurgen Moltmann
political correctness jeopardizes more than it should the human capacity to speak the truth
- Karl Barth
The very names Kierkegaard, Luther, Calvin, Paul and Jeremiah suggest what Schleiermacher never possessed, a clear and direct apprehension of the truth that man is made to serve God and not God to serve man.
- Karl Barth
The Word ought to be exposed in the words
- Karl Barth
When theology recognizes one thing properly, it mis-recognizes something else all the more thoroughly.
- Karl Barth
But, even in this concrete relationship to the Son of God become man, this is really something new only in so far as it expresses the revelation of what began to be true with the Incarnation and has never since ceased to be true.
- Karl Barth
the concrete actuality of God's revelation in Word and Act.
- Karl Barth
The last day will prove that some of the holiest men that ever lived are hardly known.
- JC Ryle
But for we could not know right from wrong. All things most desirable for man's welfare... are to be found portrayed in it.
- James A. Garfield
I like old men. They can be wonderful bastards because they have nothing to lose. The only people who can be themselves are babies and old bastards.
- John Updike
The Bible is God's Word expressed and revealed to his creature, man.
- Joseph Franklin Rutherford
We anticipate a time when the love of truth shall have come up to our love of liberty, and men shall be cordially tolerant and earnest believers both at once.
- Phillips Brooks