Quotes about Truth
my lips will not speak wickedness, and my tongue will not utter deceit.
- Job 27:4
I will never say that you are right; I will maintain my integrity until I die.
- Job 27:5
I will cling to my righteousness and never let go. As long as I live, my conscience will not accuse me.
- Job 27:6
Surely all of you have seen it for yourselves. Why then do you keep up this empty talk?
- Job 27:12
But where can wisdom be found, and where does understanding dwell?
- Job 28:12
The ocean depths say, ‘It is not in me,’ while the sea declares, ‘It is not with me.’
- Job 28:14
It cannot be bought with gold, nor can its price be weighed out in silver.
- Job 28:15
From where then does wisdom come, and where does understanding dwell?
- Job 28:20
If I have walked in falsehood or my foot has rushed to deceit,
- Job 31:5
what will I do when God rises to judge? How will I answer when called to account?
- Job 31:14
I paid you full attention. But no one proved Job wrong; not one of you rebutted his arguments.
- Job 32:12
So do not claim, ‘We have found wisdom; let God, not man, refute him.’
- Job 32:13