Quotes about Truth
But Micaiah replied, “If you ever return safely, the LORD has not spoken through me.” Then he added, “Take heed, all you people!”
- 2 Chronicles 18:27
So this is what Hezekiah did throughout Judah. He did what was good and upright and true before the LORD his God.
- 2 Chronicles 31:20
Then I sent him this reply: “There is nothing to these rumors you are spreading; you are inventing them in your own mind.”
- Nehemiah 6:8
And Mordecai sent letters with words of peace and truth to all the Jews in the 127 provinces of the kingdom of Xerxes,
- Esther 9:30
So the poor have hope, and injustice shuts its mouth.
- Job 5:16
But now, please look at me. Would I lie to your face?
- Job 6:28
Even if I were righteous, my mouth would condemn me; if I were blameless, it would declare me guilty.
- Job 9:20
“Should this stream of words go unanswered and such a speaker be vindicated?
- Job 11:2
You have said, ‘My doctrine is sound, and I am pure in Your sight.’
- Job 11:4
and disclose to you the secrets of wisdom, for true wisdom has two sides. Know then that God exacts from you less than your iniquity deserves.
- Job 11:6
Surely He knows the deceit of men. If He sees iniquity, does He not take note?
- Job 11:11
True wisdom and power belong to Him. The deceived and the deceiver are His.
- Job 12:16