Quotes about Truth
getting the Bible right and getting Jesus right are not the same thing.
- Peter Enns
I think of Christians who, having been raised to read the Genesis creation story as literal science and history, leave for college, watch the History Channel, or log onto the internet, and find out that fossils and radiometric dating are in fact not hoaxes. That's how nice Christian college freshmen become atheists by Christmas break. If your faith can unravel that quickly, it's enough to make you question whether your faith is worth the effort at all.
- Peter Enns
The Bible looks the way it does because "God lets his children tell the story," so to speak.
- Peter Enns
So much can be learned from other traditions. In the long history of the Christian church, so many different, even conflicting, points of view have been embraced as true and valuable.
- Peter Enns
I hear Aslan's words to Shasta: "'Child,' said the Lion, 'I am telling you your story. . . . I tell no one any story but his own.
- Peter Enns
Doubt strips away distraction so we can see more clearly the inadequacies of whom we think God is and move us from the foolishness of thinking that our god is the God.
- Peter Enns
The Bible's diversity is the key to uncovering the Bible's true purpose for us.
- Peter Enns
I definitely get where these questions are coming from, and remember: I don't think "knowing" or seeking to think "correctly" about God is wrong. Not at all. The problem is preoccupation with correct thinking—mistaking our thoughts about God with the real thing, and then to base our faith on holding on to that certainty.
- Peter Enns
And it's always a bad move to invent a Jesus who agrees with us rather than challenges us.
- Peter Enns
Over the years I've grown more and more convinced that "storytelling" is a better way of understanding what the Bible is doing with the past than "history writing.
- Peter Enns
Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and Job all agree: the Bible doesn't capture a freeze-frame of God and bind him to it. If we get on board with this idea, some other things the Bible says about God will make more sense.
- Peter Enns
Wherever biblical writers talk about the past, we should expect them to be shaping the past as well.
- Peter Enns