Quotes about Truth
Only when I focus on the holiness and glory of God am I able to see myself with accuracy.
- Paul David Tripp
Midlife doesn't introduce you to a new you; it forces you to admit who you have been all along.
- Paul David Tripp
There is no one we swindle more than we swindle ourselves. There is no one we run to defend more than we do ourselves. And like every other spiritually blind person, Joe was blind to his blindness.
- Paul David Tripp
Real, biblical, self-sacrificing, God-honoring love never compromises what God says is right and true. Truth and love are inextricably bound together. Love that compromises truth simply isn't love. Truth without love ceases to be truth because it gets bent and twisted by other human agendas.
- Paul David Tripp
Word problems are often interpretation problems. We do not say the right thing because we do not believe the right thing.
- Paul David Tripp
The heart of the righteous weighs its answers" (Prov. 15:28).
- Paul David Tripp
Genesis 1—the only time in human history when there was no war of words. In Genesis 1, the world of communication was a world of peace, truth, and life. Words were never used as weapons. Truth was never used to tear down. Words were always spoken in love, and human communication never broke the bonds of peace.
- Paul David Tripp
When we deny our difficulties in order to feel immediate peace, we are not exercising biblical faith.
- Paul David Tripp
Creation points us to the Creator, but it can never give us what the Creator can give.
- Paul David Tripp
Denying sin makes a liar out of God and denies the message of his Word. Here's the bottom line—either God, in his Word, is true when he says that you have a problem you can't solve or you're right that you're not so bad after all. It can't be both ways.
- Paul David Tripp
What is that lie? It is the lie that was first told in the garden of Eden—the false promise that life, heart-satisfying life, could be found somewhere outside the Creator. It is the lie of lies, the cruelest lie ever told. If you believe it, it will not only leave you empty and discouraged, but it will set your life on a course of destruction.
- Paul David Tripp
As I've said before, I really do love the honesty of the Bible. I don't need vacuous religious platitudes that delude me into thinking that life is better than it really is. I don't need a form of faith
- Paul David Tripp