Quotes about Truth
Calling is the truth that God calls us to
- Os Guinness
Either we may seek to conform our desires to the truth, which leads to conviction, or we may seek to conform the truth to our desires, which leads to evasion.
- Os Guinness
The deep logic of God's truth can be expressed in both stories and arguments, by questions as well as statements, through reason and the imagination, through the four Gospels as well as through the book of Romans.
- Os Guinness
we Christians must show again that we are both people of the Word and people who believe in words. Words are never mere words for us
- Os Guinness
The truth of the faith does not stand and fall with our defense of it.
- Os Guinness
For any follower of Jesus Christ who follows this path on the quest for meaning, the statement is true: A Christian thinks in believing and believes in thinking.
- Os Guinness
As Simone Weil and others have established beyond question, only someone in touch with the eternal can hope to be eternally relevant—and faithful too.
- Os Guinness
Without truth there is no freedom, and without truth there is no freedom from hypocrisy. No one has ever seriously accused Jesus of hypocrisy, no one has ever been more severe on hypocrisy than Jesus, and no one has ever offered a sterner but more gracious and effective cure to hypocrisy than Jesus.
- Os Guinness
Again, the heart of apologetics is the apologetics of the heart.
- Os Guinness
Love is "the alpha and the omega of apologetics," in the sense that all we say must come from love, and it must lead to love and to the One who is love—in other words, Christian advocacy must move from our love for God and his truth and beauty, to our love for the people we talk to and work right up to their love for God and his truth and beauty in their turn.
- Os Guinness
The philosopher Marar writes, "As our hearts can't stop pumping blood, so our minds can't stop pumping illusions.
- Os Guinness
Whether or not the Christian faith is true is now irrelevant. All that matters is that to more and more people in the modern world it no longer seems true.
- Os Guinness