Quotes about Truth
Christianity is saving truth and it's sanctifying truth, but we believe that it's Total Truth. It is the truth about every aspect of life from economics to masculinity to marriage. God has the right view on all of these things.
- Nancy Pearcey
According to Romans 1, those who reject the Creator will create an idol.
- Nancy Pearcey
God cannot be rejected without putting something else in his place.
- Nancy Pearcey
Christianity was permitted to tell Sunday school stories as object lessons to inspire morality, but it was not allowed to claim that those stories were true.
- Nancy Pearcey
The biblical worldview fulfills both the requirements of human reason and the yearnings of the human spirit.
- Nancy Pearcey
In every age, the gospel fulfills people's most profound aspirations.
- Nancy Pearcey
Biblical truth is rich enough to satisfy all the hungers of the human personality.
- Nancy Pearcey
In order to communicate the gospel in the West, we face a unique challenge: We need to learn how to liberate it from the private sphere and present it in its glorious fullness as the truth about all reality.
- Nancy Pearcey
why should we acquiesce in letting philosophical naturalists prescribe the definition of science itself? The only reason for restricting science to methodological naturalism is if we assume from the outset that philosophical naturalism is true—that nature is a closed system of cause and effect. But if it is not true, then restricting science to naturalistic theories is not a good strategy for getting at the truth.47
- Nancy Pearcey
And if there is no objective or universal truth, then any claim to have objective truth will be treated as nothing but an attempt by one interpretive community to impose its own limited, subjective perspective on everyone else. An act of oppression. A power grab.
- Nancy Pearcey
Christians are called to tear down mental fortresses and liberate people from the power of false ideas.
- Nancy Pearcey
For the early scientists, the image of God was not a dry doctrine to which they gave merely cognitive assent. Nor was it a purely private "faith." They treated it as a public truth, the epistemological foundation for the entire scientific enterprise. Their goal, they said, was to think God's thoughts after him. 27 At the time of the scientific revolution, biblical epistemology was the guarantee that the human mind is equipped to gain genuine knowledge of the world.
- Nancy Pearcey