Quotes about Truth
You can be utterly confident that any non-biblical worldview will be too "small" to account for all of reality.
- Nancy Pearcey
False ideas are the greatest obstacle to the reception of the gospel."13 Not pop culture. Not consumerism. Not moral temptation. False ideas.
- Nancy Pearcey
a hermeneutics of suspicion is radically reductionistic. It simply abandons the question of truth, reducing it to questions of power and desire.
- Nancy Pearcey
Redemption consists primarily of casting out our mental idols and turning back to the true God. And when we do that, we will experience His transforming power renewing every aspect of our lives. To talk of a Christian Worldview is simply another way of saying that when we are redeemed, our entire outlook on life is re-centered on God and rebuilt on His revealed truth.
- Nancy Pearcey
if everything is historically relative, then so is the idea of historicism itself.
- Nancy Pearcey
We've limited Christianity to salvation and sanctification," he said. But "Christianity is the truth about everything.
- Nancy Pearcey
As Paul says in Romans, if you reject the biblical God, you will deify something within the created order.
- Nancy Pearcey
The humane position, and the biblical position, is that individuals are under no obligation to affirm as true something they have not adequately examined. Moreover, if after careful examination, a claim is falsified by the evidence, it should be rejected.
- Nancy Pearcey
The key to the power of the biblical message is the conviction that it is actually true—objectively, universally, cosmically true. It is not merely a psychological coping mechanism. It is not a sociological product of Western culture. It is truth about the universe itself. This conviction is what sets orthodox Christianity off from Christianity Lite. And it is the source of genuine church growth.
- Nancy Pearcey
Provost John Mark Reynolds, for a position as professor and scholar in residence that gave me time to write Finding Truth.
- Nancy Pearcey
We must reject the presumption that holding Christian beliefs disqualifies us as "biased," while the philosophical naturalists get a free pass by presenting their position as "unbiased" and "rational." Most of all, we need to liberate Christianity from the two-story division that has reduced it to an upper-story private experience, and learn how to restore it to the status of objective truth.
- Nancy Pearcey
Either we "keep faith with Darwin" and embrace postmodernism, or we keep faith with a personal God who is not silent—whose Logos is the source of unified, universal, capital-T Truth.
- Nancy Pearcey