Quotes about Truth
They will readily change truth for error, who find no more sweetness in the one than in the other.
- John Owen
Our belief of the Scriptures to be the word of God, or a divine revelation, and our understanding of the mind and will of God as revealed in them, are the two springs of all our interest in Christian religion. From them are all those streams of light and truth derived whereby our souls are watered, refreshed, and made fruitful unto God.
- John Owen
It is granted that God hath given us his word, or the holy Scripture, as a declaration of his mind and will; and, therefore, he hath given it unto us for this very end and purpose, that we may know them and do them.
- John Owen
There is this quality, in things, of the right way seeming wrong at first.
- John Updike
With his white collar he forges god's name on every word he speaks
- John Updike
What's beauty if it's not, in the end, true? Beauty is truth, and truth is beauty.
- John Updike
Also ist mein Sohn ein Simpel.' In einer Hinsicht. Aber der größte Teil der Menschheit ist so. Weil es sonst zu schwer zu ertragen ist, Mensch zu sein. Im Gegensatz zu den Tieren wissen wir zu viel. Sie, die anderen Tiere, wissen gerade genug, um ihren Job zu machen und zu sterben. Um zu essen, zu schlafen, zu vögeln, Babys zu kriegen und zu sterben.
- John Updike
They found themselves involved willy-nilly in a futile but urgent search for the truth.
- John Updike
Skeeter stands and tries to comprehend this man. "Trouble with you, he sees, "you still cluttered up with common sense. Common sense is bullshit, man. It gets you through the days all right, but it leaves you alone at night. It keeps you from knowing.
- John Updike
Tell the truth. That way you don't have to remember a story.
- John Wooden
What it comes down to, I believe, is that mentoring often involves telling people what they need to hear, rather than what they want to hear. When you are able to be humbly honest with someone about a situation with which you have personal experience—even if you risk angering or hurting that person—you are offering the most valuable gift of all.
- John Wooden
As a leader you must be sincerely committed to what's right rather than who's right.
- John Wooden