Quotes about Brother
Then, turning to his sister: Sister, never a precaution on the part of the priest, against his fellow-man. That which his fellow does, God permits. Let us confine ourselves to prayer, when we think that a danger is approaching us. Let us pray, not for ourselves, but that our brother may not fall into sin on our account.
- Victor Hugo
Sister, never a precaution on the part of the priest, against his fellow-man. That which his fellow does, God permits. Let us confine ourselves to prayer, when we think that a danger is approaching us. Let us pray, not for ourselves, but that our brother may not fall into sin on our account.
- Victor Hugo
I was totally dominated and revered my father. I admired everything he did. He was a great sports person. He loved me. I was his only boy at that time, before my brother Billy came along.
- Jimmy Carter
Two hundred and thirty-two years and they wait until the country's falling apart before they turn it over to the brother!
- Barack Obama
It is in deep solitude and silence that I find the gentleness with which I can truly love my brother and sister.
- Thomas Merton
Not everyone is your brother or sister in the faith, but everyone is your neighbor, and you must love your neighbor.
- Timothy Keller
How beautiful is death, when earned by virtue! 80 Who would not be that youth? what pity is it That we can die but once to serve our country!8 —Why sits this sadness on your brows, my friends? I should have blushed if Cato's house had stood Secure, and flourished in a civil war. 85 —Portius, behold thy brother, and remember Thy life is not thy own, when Rome demands it.
- Joseph Addison
The Christ in his own heart is weaker than the Christ in the word of his brother; his own heart is uncertain, his brother's is sure.
- Eugene Peterson
Of all the needs (there are none imaginary) a lonely child has, the one that must be satisfied, if there is going to be hope and a hope of wholeness, is the unshaking need for an unshakable God. My pretty Black brother was my Kingdom Come.
- Maya Angelou
It's because a country-western song can start you out at a family picnic eating buttermilk-fried chicken and watermelon on your great-grandmother's quilt, with butterflies flitting about, and before it ends, your daddy's gone to prison and your momma's run off with the preacher and your little brother's blowing butterflies to dust with a BB gun.
- Beth Moore
Hypocrite reader — my fellow — my brother!
- St. Jerome
I have sinned against my brother the ass.
- St. Francis Of Assisi