Quotes about Spice
But I always felt that I'd rather be provincial hot-tamale than soup without seasoning.
- F Scott Fitzgerald
I have come to my garden, my sister, my bride; I have gathered my myrrh with my spice. I have eaten my honeycomb with my honey; I have drunk my wine with my milk. Eat, O friends, and drink; drink freely, O beloved.
- Song of Solomon 5:1
I often quote myself. It adds spice to my conversation.
- George Bernard Shaw
The joy of life is variety.
- Samuel Johnson
Humor is the spiciest condiment in the feast of existence. Laugh at your mistakes but learn from them, joke over your troubles but gather strength from them, make a jest of your difficulties but overcome them.' Isn't that worth learning, Aunt Jimsie?
- LM Montgomery
Life is not like a box of chocolates. It's more like a jar of jalapenos. What you do today might burn your ass tomorrow.
- Anonymous
Are you already training my replacement? Piter demanded. Replace you? Why, Piter, where could I find another Mentat with your cunning and venom? The same place you found me, Baron. Perhaps I should at that, the Baron mused. You do seem a bit unstable lately. And the spice you eat! Are my pleasures too expensive, Baron? Do you object to them? My dear Piter, your pleasures are what tie you to me. How could I object to that?
- Frank Herbert
They've also sent some incidental things—jewelry for the Lady Jessica, spice liquor, candy, medicinals. My men are processing the lot right now.
- Frank Herbert
He had acted so strangely before they retired, she thought. Withdrawn. He was like one come back from the dead, not yet fully aware of his return, his eyes half shut and glassy with the inward stare. It made her think of his warning about the spice-impregnated diet: addictive.
- Frank Herbert
Oh, I don't imply that I've made my father's mistake and peered into the future with a glass of spice.
- Frank Herbert
No pleasure endures unseasoned by variety
- Publilius Syrus
Pumpkin spice lattes are egg nog for morning people.
- John Oliver