Quotes about Specific
But what we notice in Mark 10 is something which seems to operate in a different dimension. For a start, it is a call, not to specific acts of behavior, but to a type of character. For
- NT Wright
Thus I purified the priests and Levites from everything foreign, and I assigned specific duties to each of the priests and Levites.
- Nehemiah 13:30
In spiritual warfare, as we detect enemy activity and deploy the various pieces of armor, our prayers need to be fervent and specific, strategic and personal, tied to the specific needs arising at that specific occasion.
- Priscilla Shirer
I've been working with Pat Robertson on Africa debt-relief, and we disagree on virtually everything except certain very specific, inalienable rights, and the truth is that morality and patriotism come in all shapes and sizes.
- George Clooney
The answer is no, at least not yet. Until we've defined a specific desire and become known for helping people achieve it, we shouldn't add too many conflicting story gaps to our StoryBrand BrandScript.
- Donald Miller
Man's search for meaning is the primary motivation in his life and not a "secondary rationalization" of instinctual drives. This meaning is unique and specific in that it must and can be fulfilled by him alone; only then does it achieve a significance which will satisfy his own will to meaning. There
- Viktor E. Frankl
Repentance is not true repentance unless it is specific and intelligent. We don't sin in the abstract; we sin in concrete, particular ways. Since that is true, we need to take an honest look at our lives—both heart and behavior. Spiritual awareness is a blessing. Through it, we can experience change.
- Timothy Lane
It must be the full confession by Christendom of Christendom's specific contribution to the sum of human cruelty and treachery.
- CS Lewis
It has to be a very specific role for me because of my accent. I can't complain; I've been working since I got to LA. But it is hard. I have no training as an actress so I try whatever I do like school, because I'm learning.
- Sofia Vergara
On a specific day marked on the earth's calendar, and in a specific place on the earth's map, the Son of God came to the planet. It was love.
- Billy Graham
The first key is that goals must be clear, specific, detailed, and written down. A goal cannot be vague or general, like being happy or making more money.
- Brian Tracy
This terrible event clothed the archangel with added influence; because his credulous disciples believed that he had specifically fore-announced it, instead of only making a general prophecy, which any one might have done, and so have chanced to hit one of many marks in the wide margin allowed.
- Herman Melville