Quotes about Believe
Resist your fear fear will never lead to you a positive end. Go for your faith and what you believe.
- Bishop TD Jakes
The fact that God has exposed you to something is always a sign that it can be yours. God is exposing you so you can absorb Destiny in the deepest part of your soul. Breathe in, breathe in and believe and let God open the doors to Destiny through exposure.
- Bishop TD Jakes
I've learned that we must first create a space of time, quiet, and isolation before we can truly see God. Three elements are necessary for this. We need to first believe, then learn to perceive, and finally receive.
- Gary Thomas
The history of the church has been largely a history of "believers" refusing to believe in the way of the crucified Nazarene and instead giving in to the very temptations he resisted--power, relevancy, spectacle.
- Shane Claiborne
Your attitude determines your altitude," "Smiling wins more friends than frowning," and "Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe it can achieve.
- Stephen Covey
We trust and believe in what we love.
- Catherine of Siena
The press came out with headlines. Trump throws baby out of arena. I don't throw babies out, believe me. I love babies.
- Donald Trump
God is whispering to you. Those are his arms you feel. Trust him. That is his voice you hear. Believe him.
- Max Lucado
You are My witnesses"—the LORD'S declaration—"and My servant whom I have chosen, so that you may know and believe Me and understand that I am He." Isaiah 43:10
- Beth Moore
What a blessing it is for parents to believe in their children.
- Billy Graham
Of all visible things, the world is the greatest; of all invisible, the greatest is God. But, that the world is, we see; that God is, we believe.
- St. Augustine
The good news is, you can love yourself because you, too, are now love. Everything else is of your own making: a lie you believe; a story from an accuser that ravages you and keeps you locked in that cage of hell.
- Ted Dekker