Quotes about Sophistication
The natural progress of the works of men is from rudeness to convenience, from convenience to elegance, and from elegance to nicety.
- Samuel Johnson
A man came up to her. Expensively tailored suit. Okay, he wasn't exactly a man because he was only thirty-five. But he was trying.
- Candace Bushnell
They say that men who have seen the world, thereby become quite at ease in manner, quite self-possessed in company.
- Herman Melville
Be well dressed, behave like a gentleman, and keep your shoes shined.
- Joseph Abboud
It is always better to be slightly underdressed.
- Coco Chanel
In honesty you have to admit to a wise man that prayer is not for the wise, not for the prudent, not for the sophisticated. Instead it is for those who recognize that in face of their deepest needs, all their wisdom is quite helpless. It is for those who are willing to persist in doing something that is both childish and crucial.
- Frederick Buechner
Be classy. Anything but trashy.
- Coco Chanel
Never laughing too loudly in a restaurant no matter how good the joke.
- Paulo Coelho
They are fond of fun and therefore witty, wit being well-bred insolence.
- Aristotle
My mother was related to four of Jamaica's oldest families, and to say merely that she was out of the top drawer would not convey the quality of her breeding.
- Lady Colin Campbell
Phuong had kept us a table at the edge of the dance-floor and the orchestra was playing some tune which had been popular in Paris five years ago. Two Vietnamese couples were dancing, small, neat, aloof, with an air of civilization we couldn't match. (I recognized one, an accountant from the Banque de
- Graham Greene
But if you have big ideas you have to use big words to express them, haven't you?
- LM Montgomery