Quotes about Continue
But if you continue to restrain them and refuse to let them go,
- Exodus 9:2
Now therefore, may it please You to bless the house of Your servant, that it may continue forever before You. For You, O Lord GOD, have spoken, and with Your blessing the house of Your servant will be blessed forever.”
- 2 Samuel 7:29
Then you will know that I have sent you this commandment so that My covenant with Levi may continue,” says the LORD of Hosts.
- Malachi 2:4
Take notice, therefore, of the kindness and severity of God: severity to those who fell, but kindness to you, if you continue in His kindness. Otherwise you also will be cut off.
- Romans 11:22
Let the unrighteous continue to be unrighteous, and the vile continue to be vile; let the righteous continue to practice righteousness, and the holy continue to be holy.”
- Revelation 22:11
To pretend to trust Christ to save you from sin while you are still determined to continue in it is making a mockery of Christ.
- Charles Spurgeon
Today, I, too, wish to reaffirm that I intend to continue on the path toward improved relations and friendship with the Jewish people, following the decisive lead given by John Paul II.
- Pope Benedict XVI
We are going to continue to run a business, and we are going to continue to meet the supply and demand that's out there.
- Heather Bresch