Quotes about Unsettling
It has come to our attention that some went out from us without our authorization and unsettled you, troubling your minds by what they said.
- Acts 15:24
But understand this: In the last days terrible times will come.
- 2 Timothy 3:1
I wants to make your flesh creep.
- Charles Dickens
Every morning they would talk about the horror of that return to their native land.
- Milan Kundera
Does anyone else find this shit completely terrifying
- Ernest Cline
Besides, ghost-stories are even more blood-curdling if you are reading them on a journey, especially at night, in a town, in a house, in a room where you have never been before. How many horrific events may already have taken place on the very spot where you are lying?—that is what you cannot help wondering.
- Heinrich Heine
We all get to discover who we really are at some point, and when we do, it can be quite unsettling.
- Ted Dekker
It's pretty physically unsettling, living life on a visa.
- John Oliver
Grace is thickly counter-intuitive. It feels risky and unfair. It's dangerous and disorderly. It wrestles control out of our hands. It is wild and unsettling. It turns everything that makes sense to us upside-down and inside-out.
- Tullian Tchividjian
Observance of the freedom God has to change causes a terrible unsettling among the faithful.
- Walter Brueggemann