Quotes about Adulthood
Maturity involves two elements: 1) immediate obedience in specific situations and 2) long-range character growth.
- Larry Crabb
As adults, we try to develop the character traits that would have rescued our parents.
- Alain de Botton
The first half of life is learning to be an adult-the second half is learning to be a child.
- Pablo Picasso
It is their duty to be infantile, even against their inclination.
- Aldous Huxley
I want to know what passion is,' he said. 'I want to feel something strongly. We are all grown-up intellectually and during working hours,' he went on, 'but we are infants where feeling and desire are concerned.
- Aldous Huxley
When you're young, you're always wondering when you're actually going to feel like a grownup. And I think you probably fear it, in a sense, too. There's a danger to feeling like an adult... like this whimsical kid in you is going to die or something. And then all of a sudden, one day you kind of feel like an adult and it's really nice.
- Drew Barrymore
At 35, I'm definitely starting to feel more like a grown-up than I ever have. There's nothing in my life that is childish or whimsical. Having fun is fantastic and I never want to lose a sense of that - and also, I think, you have to have that to put into your work or else it's going to feel stiff.
- Drew Barrymore
The older you get, the fewer slumber parties there are, and I hate that. I liked slumber parties. What happened to them?
- Drew Barrymore
It's funny: I always imagined when I was a kid that adults had some kind of inner toolbox full of shiny tools: the saw of discernment, the hammer of wisdom, the sandpaper of patience. But then when I grew up I found that life handed you these rusty bent old tools - friendships, prayer, conscience, honesty - and said 'do the best you can with these, they will have to do'. And mostly, against all odds, they do.
- Anne Lamott
Freedom makes a huge requirement of every human being. With freedom comes responsibility. For the person who is unwilling to grow up, the person who does not want to carry his own weight, this is a frightening prospect.
- Eleanor Roosevelt
A child-like man is not a man whose development has been arrested; on the contrary, he is a man who has given himself a chance of continuing to develop long after most adults have muffled themselves in the cocoon of middle-aged habit and convention.
- Aldous Huxley
I grew up conservative because my mum was a conservative, and when I finally realized what conservatives were, I changed my mind immediately. As children, we tend to copy our parents.
- Elton John