Quotes about Worry
Worrying does not empty tomorrow of its troubles...it empties today of its strength.
- Corrie Ten Boom
Worry does not empty tomorrow of its sorrow; it empties today of its strength.
- Corrie Ten Boom
For years I played the what-if game. Maybe you're acquainted with this pastime. The rules are simple: Rule #1: You're only allowed to think of worst-case scenarios. Rule #2: You're never allowed to win this game. You can only lose. Rule #3: The more you play, the greater your losses.
- Craig Groeschel
You are not a victim of your thoughts. You have the power through Christ to take them captive. As a result, you will find what you are looking for. You can believe the worst or think the best. You can find reasons to worry or reasons to have faith. You can live pessimistically, or you can possess life-changing faith.
- Craig Groeschel
Fear actually relies on faith...it's simply faith in the wrong things. Fear is placing you faith in "what ifs" rather in than in "God is
- Craig Groeschel
Don't borrow trouble from round the bend,
- Lisa Wingate
I live too often in the realm of what if. I also expend time and mental energy continually trying to anticipate what sort of crouching tiger might be hiding around the next corner.
- Lisa Wingate
Well, that's the problem with postulatin', Hannibal. Brings up trouble that ain't happened yet and likely won't ever. Why bother with it?
- Lisa Wingate
Strategy 6—Against Your Calling He amplifies fear, worry, and anxiety until they're the loudest voices in your head, causing you to deem the adventure of following God too risky to attempt (Josh. 14:8).
- Priscilla Shirer
Jesus said in Matthew 6:33, "Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you." The way of the world is to go about and grab everything in sight. The world makes material possessions — food, clothing, money, houses, cars — its objective. But in this new life, if you make the will of God your objective, God will add these things. That saves a lot of worry if you know that God is the One doing the adding.
- Derek Prince
Remember, today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday.
- Dale Carnegie
When we worry we say to God, 'I can't trust You. You're not doing Your job, so I'm going to step in and take over.' We can't just call that arrogance and foolishness—it's sin.
- Lori Wick