Quotes about Worry
Fear, worry, hate, supreme selfishness, and the inability to adjust themselves to the world of reality—these were largely the causes of their stomach illnesses and stomach ulcers
- Dale Carnegie
Confusion is the chief cause of worry.
- Dale Carnegie
Anxiety is just groundless and pointless. It occurs only as a hangover of bad habits established when we were trusting things—like human approval and wealth—that were certain to let us down. Now our strategy should be one of resolute rejection of worry, while we concentrate on the future in hope and with prayer and on the past with thanksgiving.
- Dallas Willard
Those who understand Jesus and his Father know that provision has been made for them. Their confidence has been confirmed by their experience. Though they work, they do not worry about things "on earth." Instead, they are always "seeking first the kingdom." That is, they "place top priority on identifying and involving themselves in what God is doing and in the kind of rightness he has.
- Dallas Willard
And worry are worthless—indeed, vain—emotions. If you are frightened or afraid, there is no use feeling guilty about it. What you need to do is fix your mind upon God and ask him to fill your mind with himself. And as your mind is transformed, your whole personality will be transformed, including your body and your feelings. The transformation of the self away from a life of fear and insufficiency takes place as we fix our minds upon God as he truly is.
- Dallas Willard
They are frightened of the air.
- William Golding
It is not work that kills men; it is worry. Work is healthy; you can hardly put more upon a man than he can bear. Worry is the rust upon the blade. It is not the revolution which destroys the machinery but the friction. Fear secretes acids; but love and trust are sweet juices
- Henry Ward Beecher
All I know for certain is this: Caiaphas—and probably Annas also—is still extremely worried about a man who was most definitely crucified and buried.
- Janette Oke
The more you worry about being applauded by others and making money, the less you'll focus on doing the great work that will generate applause. And make you money.
- Robin Sharma
You have to understand you cannot have faith and fear at the same time; you can only have one or the other.
- Napoleon Hill
How free you can become if you stop worrying about things that don't concern you!
- Thomas Merton
Intelligence reports say Castro is very worried about me. I'm very worried that we can't come up with something to justify his worrying.
- Ronald Reagan