Quotes about Age
God employs several translators some pieces are translated by age, some by sickness, some by war, some by justice.
- John Donne
On a huge hill, Cragged and steep, Truth stands, and hee that will Reach her, about must, and about must goe; And what the hills suddenness resists, winne so; Yet strive so, that before age, deaths twilight, Thy Soule rest, for none can worke in that night.
- John Donne
I sing the progress of a deathless soul, Whom Fate, which God made, but doth not control, Placed in most shapes; all times before the law Yoked us, and when, and since, in this I sing. And the great world to his aged evening, From infant morn, through manly noon I draw.
- John Donne
There's a great deal to say in the Bible about the signs we're to watch for, and when these signs all converge at one place we can be sure that we're close to the end of the age.
- Billy Graham
You get to a certain age where you prepare yourself for happiness. Sometimes you never remember to actually get happy.
- John Mayer
Forty is the old age of youth; fifty the youth of old age.
- Victor Hugo
With age comes the understanding and appreciation of your most important asset, your health.
- Oprah Winfrey
The charm of history and its enigmatic lesson consist in the fact that, from age to age, nothing changes and yet everything is completely different.
- Aldous Huxley
The age of the proof is in decline, it is the hour of 'witness' that is coming, hour of the 'marturioa', very calm and very complete: a hope which seems close to being realised.
- Henri de Lubac
When I was a boy of 14, my father was so ignorant I could hardly stand to have the old man around. But when I got to be 21, I was astonished at how much the old man had learned in seven years.
- Mark Twain
In order to know whether a human being is young or old, offer it food of different kinds at short intervals. If young, it will eat anything at any hour of the day or night.
- Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.
The child is the father of the man.
- William Wordsworth