Quotes about Age
Every man over forty is a scoundrel.
- George Bernard Shaw
One is never too old to get younger.
- Isabel Allende
Years sneak by quickly, on tip-toe, scoffing and suddenly they give us a fright in the mirror or smack us on the back. Every minute is precious and we can't waste it on misunderstanding, impatience, jealousy, pettiness, or the other silly stuff that soils relationships. In truth this formula can be applied at any age because it's always the case that our days are limited.
- Isabel Allende
They're not dead, Lenny. They're more alive now than ever. That's what happens with age: stories from the past come alive and stick to our skin. I'm so pleased we're going to spend the next few years together.
- Isabel Allende
(A country where) the young are always ready to give to those who are older than themselves the full benefits of their inexperience.
- Oscar Wilde
I now have Grit Scale scores from thousands of American adults. My data provide a snapshot of grit across adulthood. And I've discovered a strikingly consistent pattern: grit and age go hand in hand. Sixty-somethings tend to be grittier, on average, than fifty-somethings, who are in turn grittier than forty-somethings, and so on.
- Angela Duckworth
Of all the ages of civilization, this is the most favorable for the development of the imagination, because it is an age of rapid change.
- Napoleon Hill
The habit of speaking apologetically of one's self as "being old" merely because one has reached the age of forty, or fifty, instead of reversing the rule and expressing gratitude for having reached the age of wisdom and understanding.
- Napoleon Hill
Comics deal with fundamental archetypes. We've been called the myth-makers of the modern age.
- Chris Claremont
I don't care what she is. Grown don't mean nothing to a mother. A child is a child. They get bigger, older, but grown? What's that supposed to mean? In my heart it don't mean a thing.
- Toni Morrison
What is the message? Can faith bereft of specific beliefs speak understanding? If so, understanding of what? My concern is that the only thing Cox has to say to young people seeking spirituality is "Do good."13 But why should we do good? And what is the good if it is not somehow rooted in the nature and work of God? Cox's Age of the Spirit needs a normative Word. For while belief without faith is empty, faith without belief is blind.
- Kevin Vanhoozer
The lack of meaning in life is a soul-sickness whose full extent and import our age has not yet begun to comprehend.
- Carl Jung