Quotes about Age
One aged man - one man - can't fill a house.
- Robert Frost
The business man - the man to whom age brings golf instead of wisdom.
- George Bernard Shaw
... it is a welcome symptom in an age which is commonly denounced as materialistic, that it makes heroes of men whose goals lie wholly in the intellectual and moral sphere.
- Albert Einstein
She wore ear-rings, and a silver-green mermaid's dress. Lolloping on the waves and braiding her tresses she seemed, having that gift still; to be; to exist; to sum it all up in the moment as she passed; turned, caught her scarf in some other woman's dress, unhitched it, laughed, all with the most perfect ease and air of a creature floating in its element. But age had brushed her; even as a mermaid might behold in her glass the setting sun on some very clear evening over the waves.
- Virginia Woolf
He was to be the son of her old age; the limb of her infirmity; the oak tree on which she leant her degradation.
- Virginia Woolf
Are you thankful for not being young?' 'Yes, sir. If I was young, it would all have to be gone through again, and the end would be a weary way off, don't you see?...
- Charles Dickens
He is of what is called the old school - a phrase generally meaning any school that seems never to have been young.
- Charles Dickens
It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age
- Charles Dickens
The ghost of beauty, the ghost of stateliness, the ghost of elegance, the ghost of pride, the ghost of frivolity, the ghost of wit, the ghost of youth, the ghost of age, all waiting their dismissal from the desolate shore, all turning on him eyes that were changed by the death they had died in coming there.
- Charles Dickens
But some day you will be old enough to start reading fairy tales again.
- CS Lewis
Science cannot tell theology how to construct a doctrine of creation, but you can't construct a doctrine of creation without taking account of the age of the universe and the evolutionary character of cosmic history.
- John Polkinghorne
The age of the Earth is a hotly debated issue among evangelicals. Old Earthers believe, like most scientists, that the universe is billions of years old. Young Earthers measure the age of the universe in terms of thousands of years.
- Norman Geisler