Quotes about Creativity
What you do with your life is fundamentally creative work. The kind of life you lead, what you do with your time, how you spend your energies—it's all part of how you create your life.
- Rob Bell
Which takes us back to this creation poem, which grounds all creativity in the questions that are asked of all of us: What kind of world are we making? Which always leads to the pressing personal question: What kind of life am I creating?
- Rob Bell
She understood heaven to be about partnering with God to make a new and better world, one with increasingly complex and expansive expressions and dimensions of shalom, creativity, beauty, and design.
- Rob Bell
How we respond to what happens to us—especially the painful, excruciating things that we never wanted and we have no control over—is a creative
- Rob Bell
All work is ultimately creative work because all of us are taking part in the ongoing creation of the world. There's
- Rob Bell
Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words.
- Robert Frost
Writing free verse is like playing tennis with the net down.
- Robert Frost
A poet never takes notes..you never take notes in a Love Affair.
- Robert Frost
Like a piece of ice on a hot stove the poem must ride on its own melting.
- Robert Frost
poets are like baseball pitchers. both have their moments. the intervals are the tough things.
- Robert Frost
I have never started a poem yet whose end I knew. Writing a poem is discovering.
- Robert Frost
I am for the artist, who is more alone than he looks. I am not for the reformer, who is always active but usually has nothing to give. The real thing that you do is a lonely thing. And remember the paradox that you become more social in order that you may become more of an individual.
- Robert Frost