Quotes about Scars
If I am more alive because love burns and chars me, as a fire, given wood or wind, feels new elation, it's that he who lays me low is my salvation, and invigorates the more, the more he scars me.
- Michelangelo
We all have scars. Some are visible and others aren't, but they are there all the same. Your scar makes you no less worthy.
- Tracie Peterson
I don't regret my painful times, i bare my scars as if they were medals. I know that freedom has a high price, as high as that of slavery; the only difference is that you pay with pleasure and a smile, even when that that smile dimmed by tears
- Paulo Coelho
It's thrilling to fight for a love that's entirely unrequited. It might not be much fun. It might leave profound and lasting scars. But it's interesting—especially for a person who, for years now, has been afraid of taking risks and who has begun to be terrified by the possibility that things might change without her being able to control them. I'm not going to repress my feelings any longer. This challenge is my salvation.
- Paulo Coelho
An art that heals and protects its subject is a geography of scars.
- Wendell Berry
The transformation of Christ's bodily scars into badges of glory shows us what happens, even in this life, to our souls when we lovingly and trustingly offer our sufferings to Christ and unite them to His. He turns "deformity" into "dignity".
- Peter Kreeft
We all have scars. It's when you're honest about them that you find the people who will love you in spite of your nicks and dents. Perhaps even because of them. The people who don't. These people aren't the ones for you.
- Lisa Wingate
It's those little nicks and dents and imperfections of spirit that allow us to flow out into a thirsty world. It's our scars that allow us to relate to the scars of others, our suffering that connects us to others who suffer.
- Lisa Wingate
We all have scars. It's when you're honest about them that you find the people who will love you in spite of your nicks and dents. Perhaps even because of them. The people who don't? Those people aren't the ones for you.
- Lisa Wingate
A wise sufferer will look not inward, but outward. There is no more effective healer than a wounded healer, and in the process the wounded healer's own scars may fade away.
- Philip Yancey
Just so, Christ puts the finger of mercy upon the scars of the saints! He will not throw away his pearls for every speck of dirt! That which makes this love of Christ the more stupendous, is that there was nothing in us to excite or draw forth his love! He did not love us because we were worthy—but by loving us he made us worthy!
- Thomas Watson
Sometimes we have to sing through the scars. Sometimes a song is the only thing that heals the broken places in us. Only thing that breaks the chains on the heart.
- Charles Martin