Quotes about Acceleration
increasingly short periods of time—first 1,200 years, then less than 600 years, then less than 125 years, then 50 years.
- Michael Youssef
growth compounds and accelerates if you remain intentional about it.
- John Maxwell
Mostly, they are deceptive sweetenings of existence, like speedier communications which unpleasantly accelerate the tempo of life and leave us with less time than ever before. Omnis festinatio ex parte diaboli est—all haste is of the devil, as the old masters used to say.
- Carl Jung
Marketing makes the magic that can transform your airplane into a rocket ship!
- Bishop TD Jakes
Whenever I think about ancient cultures nostalgia seizes me. Perhaps this is nothing but envy of the sweet slowness of the history of that time. The era of ancient Egyptian culture lasted for several thousand years; the era of Greek antiquity for almost a thousand. In this respect, a single human life imitates the history of mankind; at first it is plunged into immobile slowness, and then only gradually does it accelerate more and more.
- Milan Kundera
When your dreams include service to others - accomplishing something that contributes to others - it also accelerates the accomplishment of that goal. People want to be part of something that contributes and makes a difference.
- Jack Canfield
The faster you go, the shorter you are.
- Albert Einstein
The release of power accelerated and released forces that were both positive and negative. When we understand the accelerating power of miracles, we understand why Jesus so often told those He healed to tell no one about it. Because when they broadcasted His miracles, it fueled the envy of His enemies. When their envy reached its fullness, His enemies crucified Him. By fueling their envy, every miracle took Jesus a step closer to His crucifixion.
- Bob Sorge
Observations indicate that the universe is expanding at an ever increasing rate. It will expand forever, getting emptier and darker.
- Stephen Hawking
It also meant that whenever a body is not acted on by any force, it will keep on moving in a straight line at the same speed.
- Stephen Hawking
Modern life," began Amory again, "changes no longer century by century, but year by year, ten times faster than it ever has before—populations doubling, civilizations unified more closely with other civilizations, economic interdependence, racial questions, and—we're dawdling along. My idea is that we've got to go very much faster.
- F Scott Fitzgerald
One touch of His (God's) favor can put you fifty years ahead of where you thought you'd be.
- Joel Osteen