Quotes about Self-improvement
Every man in his lifetime needs to thank his faults.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
The best way to help a man increase his output is to help build the man. Help him increase his stature as a man, and he will just naturally do better-on the job and off.
- Earl Nightingale
The positive side of willpower is the power to do and to frame all of your I won'ts as being in the service of those higher I wills. Once you do that, you're no longer using your willpower to oppress and disappoint half of yourself. You're using it to create the future self that you really care about. Thus, willpower is really just being as kind as you can to the man you want to become.
- Tucker Max
Well, we all make mistakes, dear, so just put it behind you. We should regret our mistakes and learn from them, but never carry them forward into the future with us.
- LM Montgomery
Act as if you were already the person you want most to be.
- Brian Tracy
You perform as well as you believe yourself capable of performing. You are as effective as you believe yourself to be in whatever you do. You can never be better or different on the outside than you believe yourself to be on the inside.
- Brian Tracy
Changing habits that are no longer consistent with your higher purposes is one of the hardest things you'll ever do, and one of the most essential to the quality of your life.
- Brian Tracy
You can never rise any higher than your expectations of yourself. Since they are completely under your control, be sure that your expectations are consistent with what you want to see happen. Always expect the best of yourself.
- Brian Tracy
As you begin to see yourself and think about yourself as more competent and confident, your behavior becomes more focused and effective.
- Brian Tracy
Make a decision today that, from now on, you are going to eliminate all the "if only's" from your life.
- Brian Tracy
Each act of self-discipline strengthens every other act of self-discipline. Every act of persistence strengthens every other act of persistence. When you discipline yourself to persist, over and over, you like and respect yourself more and more. You become stronger and more confident. Eventually, you become unstoppable.
- Brian Tracy
There are certain things that you can do, or learn to do, that can make you extraordinarily valuable to yourself and to others. Your job is to identify your special areas of uniqueness and then to commit yourself to becoming very, very good in those areas.
- Brian Tracy