Quotes about Customer
Unless we identify something our customer wants, they will never feel invited into the story we are telling.
- Donald Miller
What most brands miss, however, is that there are three levels of problems a customer encounters.
- Donald Miller
Pave a path for the customer and they will follow it.
- Donald Miller
When we identify something our customer wants and communicate it simply, the story we are inviting them into is given definition and direction.
- Donald Miller
Simply turning our focus to the customer and offering them a heroic role in a meaningful story is enough to radically change the way we talk about, and even do, business.
- Donald Miller
The key is to make your company's message about something that helps the customer survive and to do so in such a way that they can understand it without burning too many calories.
- Donald Miller
Customers make buying decisions not based on what we say but on what they hear.
- Donald Miller
For example, if we own a house-painting business, our customer's external problem might be an unsightly home. The internal problem, however, may involve a sense of embarrassment about having the ugliest home on the street. Knowing this, our marketing could offer "Paint That Will Make Your Neighbors Jealous".
- Donald Miller
Each step of the plan should have a few words that discuss the benefits for the customer.
- Donald Miller
In order to ease our customers' concerns, we need to place large stones in that creek. When we identify the stones our customers can step on to get across the creek, we remove much of the risk and increase their comfort level about doing business with us. It's as though we're saying, "First, step here. See, it's easy. Then step here, then here, and then you'll be on the other side, and your problem will be resolved.
- Donald Miller
When we fail to define something our customer wants, we fail to open a story gap. When we don't open a story gap in our customers' mind, they have no motivation to engage us, because there is no question that demands resolution. Defining something our customer wants and featuring it in our marketing materials will open a story gap.
- Donald Miller
Once a customer gets curious about how you can solve their problem, they may come looking for more information. This is where your website comes in.
- Donald Miller