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Quotes about Self-worth

Understanding that we are forgiven and cleansed, and knowing who we are in Christ sets us free from the need to impress others. As long as we know who we are, we don't have to be overly concerned about what others think of us. Once we know who we are and accept ourselves, we no longer have anything to prove. When we have nothing to prove we can relax and be at ease in every situation.
- Joyce Meyer
You are not free until you have no need to impress anybody.
- Joyce Meyer
There is a difference in a person's "who" and their "do." God may not always be happy with what you do, but He is always pleased with who you are.
- Joyce Meyer
I believe people give their mistakes more power than they need. We should admit them, repent, and ask God to forgive us for them. We should also learn from our mistakes because by doing so, they can add value to our lives. Instead of allowing mistakes to make you feel guilty and bad, let them be your teacher, and always remember that just because you make a mistake does not mean you are a mistake.
- Joyce Meyer
When they measure themselves with themselves and compare themselves with one another, they are without understanding and behave unwisely. 2 CORINTHIANS 10:12
- Joyce Meyer
Love Yourself Today: Remember, God always loves your "who," even when your "do" could use some improvement!
- Joyce Meyer
Because of what Jesus has done, I love and accept myself.
- Joyce Meyer
We must learn to say no and not fear the loss of relationships. I have come to the conclusion that if I lose a relationship because I tell someone no, then I really never had a true relationship at all.
- Joyce Meyer
We need to start seeing ourselves the way God sees us, because it's such a healing thing to begin to like yourself instead of being against yourself.
- Joyce Meyer
Your presence is a present to the world. You are unique and one of a kind. Do not ever forget, for even a day… how very special you are!
- Joyce Meyer
We are not jealous of what anyone else has if we have the same thing. Fear comes when we are afraid we will be left out or have to do without what we want.
- Joyce Meyer
People who have no capacity to trust suspect the motives of others. I know this is true because I had a real problem in this area. Even when other people told me they loved me, I was always waiting for them to hurt me, disappoint me, fail me, or abuse me. I figured that they must be after something; otherwise, they would not be nice to me. I just could not believe that anyone would want me just for myself. There had to be some other reason!
- Joyce Meyer