Quotes about Self-worth
Every time we demean ourselves we are talking badly about the Artist and the Model.
- Kris Vallotton
Do not entertain the enemy's questions about how valuable you are.
- Kris Vallotton
We rarely confide in those who are better than we are.
- Albert Camus
We are traditionally rather proud of ourselves for having slipped creative work in there between the domestic chores and obligations. I'm not sure we deserve such big A-pluses for all that.
- Toni Morrison
If only the people who worry about their liabilities would think about the riches they do possess, they would stop worrying. Would you sell both your eyes for a million dollars ... or your two legs ... or your hands ... or your hearing? Add up what you do have, and you'll find that you won't sell them for all the gold in the world. The best things in life are yours, if you can appreciate yourself.
- Dale Carnegie
Women's beauty doesn't belong to the women herself. She's the part of treasure, which she brings into the world. It's her duty to share it.
- JM Coetzee
People don't divide themselves on important and unimportant... I have my own life, important to me equally as is yours to you, and in my life I the one who decides.
- JM Coetzee
Some young ladies are so starved for male approval that what should be a normal attraction to men is accelerated into an obsessive need for male affirmation. Tragically, these dear ladies allow themselves to be devoured in the arms of men who have neither regard not respect for them as people.
- Bishop TD Jakes
If you don't invest in you, you'll soon find that no one else will, either.
- Bishop TD Jakes
Just because people love your gift doesn't mean they love you. Most of them will never really know you. Most of them don't care about you. They just want your gift. And it's okay to share your gift. It's a good thing to serve your gift to people or in places that may benefit from it.
- Bishop TD Jakes
Jealousy is the manifestation of insecurity and dissatisfaction with one's calling and self-worth.
- Bishop TD Jakes
The value of your Creator should cause you to reconsider your own worth and value.
- Bishop TD Jakes