Quotes about Students
...the exchange of students...should be vastly expanded...Information and education are powerful forces in support of peace. Just as war begins in the minds of men, so does peace.
- Dwight D. Eisenhower
I tell you, monsieur, it's the end of the world. The students' behaviour has never been so outrageous. It's all these damnable modern inventions that are the ruin of everything.
- Victor Hugo
These Parisians came, one from Toulouse, another from Limoges, the third from Cahors, and the fourth from Montauban; but they were students; and when one says student, one says Parisian: to study in Paris is to be born in Paris.
- Victor Hugo
In a world in transition, students and teachers both need to teach themselves one essential skill - learning how to learn.
- Carl Sagan
Research shows that there is only half as much variation in student achievement between schools as there is among classrooms in the same school. If you want your child to get the best education possible, it is actually more important to get him assigned to a great teacher than to a great school.
- Bill Gates
I loved to teach, I loved my students, but I wanted to find a community. I prayed: "Lord, show me where you want me to go. I will go wanted wherever you call me - but please be clear."
- Henri Nouwen
When you teach, you need to give the students incentives by grades or by other factors. I went to the Bible to find that topic in Scripture. I was shocked that after college and graduate school I had no idea that Jesus Christ had talked so much about rewards.
- Bruce Wilkinson
The students and their parents had cheered, many of them waving American flags of their own. I thought about the country I'd just described to them—a hopeful, generous, courageous America, an America that was open to everyone. At about the same age as the graduates were now, I'd seized on that idea and clung to it for dear life. For their sake more than mine, I badly wanted it to be true.
- Barack Obama
The First Amendment does not require students to leave their religion at the schoolhouse door. … If students can wear T-shirts advertising sports teams, rock groups or politicians, they can also wear T-shirts that promote religion. … Religion is too important to our history and our heritage for us to keep it out of our schools.
- Bill Clinton
The same instincts that make us good students can make us lousy entrepreneurs.
- Reid Hoffman
Students today want to know about the devil, about witchcraft, about the occult. Many people do not know they are turning to Satan. They are being deluded.
- Billy Graham
We all know that there are these exemplars who can take the toughest students, and they'll teach them two-and-a-half years of math in a single year.
- Bill Gates