Quotes about Money
I'm so Optimistic I'll take my last 2 dollars and buy a Money Belt.
- Zig Ziglar
Rich people have the potential to reach a point where they see money as the source of their safety and security.
- Andy Stanley
Theatrical success is predominantly two variables: who the distributor is and how much money they spend.
- Tucker Max
If you ask what's best for the country, vote Republican. If you ask how will you get more money from the government, vote Democrat.
- Dennis Prager
I'm concerned a little bit with the culture of celebrating the fundraise. My dad taught me that when you borrow money it's the worst day of your life.
- Gary Vaynerchuk
Jesus announced which will be the criteria of the final judgment of our lives: we will be judged according to love.We will be judged according to the poor of spirit or money.
- Mother Teresa
Don't spend money that you don't have to impress people that you don't like
- Deepak Chopra
I got sick, hospitalized, had no insurance. And the money I had saved for our honeymoon went to pay medical bills. So I had been in the position of not having insurance when I needed health care.
- Dick Cheney
One of the very difficult parts of the decision I made on the financial crisis was to use hardworking people's money to help prevent there to be a crisis.
- George W. Bush
My father invested his money so securely in the banking business that he was never able to get any of it out again.
- Thomas Bailey Aldrich
Most people fail to realize that money is both a test and trust from God.
- Rick Warren
Two-thirds of all the strifes, quarrels, and lawsuits in the world arise from one simple cause-money.
- JC Ryle