Quotes about Money
We have to learn to do more ministry with less money.
- Mark Driscoll
Yes the truth is that men's ambition and their desire to make money are among the most frequent causes of deliberate acts of injustice.
- Aristotle
I enjoy living in a nice house and having a nice life. So I do two or three commercials overseas a year to sort of fill in, because they pay pretty well.
- George Clooney
all the evils in the world come not because our desires for happiness are too strong, but because they are so weak that we settle for fleeting pleasures that do not satisfy our deepest souls, but in the end destroy them. The root of all evil is that we are the kind of people who settle for the love of money instead of the love of God (1 Timothy 6:10).
- John Piper
In my view, America's greatest need is for husbands to begin guiding their families, rather than pouring every physical and emotional resource into the mere acquisition of money.
- John Piper
If we are not captured by his personality and character, then all our declarations of thanksgiving are like the gratitude of a wife to a husband for the money she gets from him to use in her affair with another man.
- John Piper
When I have money, I get rid of it quickly, lest it find a way into my heart.
- John Wesley
Earn all you can, give all you can, save all you can.
- John Wesley
Not, how much of my money will I give to God, but, how much of God's money will I keep for myself?
- John Wesley
Do not impute to money the faults of human nature.
- John Wesley
Some think that if they give money to this work, it is all they are required to do; but this is an error. Donations of money cannot take the place of personal ministry. It is right to give our means, and many more should do this; but according to their strength and opportunities, personal service is required of all.
- Ellen White
The love of money is the root of all evil. It blinds the vision and prevents people from discerning their obligations to God or to their neighbors.
- Ellen White