Quotes about Money
It's rather a strong check to one's self-complacency to find how much of one's right doing depends on not being in want of money.
- George Eliot
The basic thing is, people want to get paid, so they'll say the things that get them paid, in entertainment or politics.
- Roseanne Barr
It is wonderful to think how men of very large estates not only spend their yearly income, but are often actually in want of money. It is clear, they have not value for what they spend.
- Samuel Johnson
A nation that continues year after year to spend more money on military defense than on programs of social uplift is approaching spiritual doom.
- Martin Luther King, Jr.
I believe - though I may be wrong, because I'm no expert - that this war is about what most wars are about: hegemony, money, power and oil.
- Dustin Hoffman
Every human being who reaches the age of understanding of the purpose of money, wishes for it. Wishing will not bring riches. But desiring riches with a state of mind that becomes an obsession, then planning definite ways and means to acquire riches, and backing those plans with persistence which does not recognize failure, will bring riches.
- Napoleon Hill
Character is Power. Character is greater than talent, genius, fame, money, friends — there is nothing to compare with it.
- Napoleon Hill
The actual capital value of your brains may be determined by the amount of income you can produce (by marketing your services). A fair estimate of the capital value of your services maybe made by multiplying your annual income by sixteen and two-thirds, as it is reasonable to estimate that your annual income represents six percent of your capital value. Money rents for 6% per annum.
- Napoleon Hill
Some people foolishly believe that only MONEY can make money. This is not true! DESIRE, transmuted into its monetary equivalent, through the principles laid down here, is the agency through which money is made. Money, of itself, is nothing but inert matter. It cannot move, think, or talk, but it can hear when a man who DESIRES it, calls it to come!
- Napoleon Hill
The majority of people who fail to accumulate money sufficient for their needs are, generally, easily influenced by the opinions of others.
- Napoleon Hill
Opinions are the cheapest commodities on earth. Everyone has a flock of opinions ready to be wished upon anyone who will accept them. If you are influenced by "opinions" when you reach decisions, you will not succeed in any undertaking, much less in that of transmuting Your own desire into money.
- Napoleon Hill
Money is shy and elusive. It must be wooed and won by methods not unlike those used by a determined lover in pursuit of a mate. And, coincidental as it is, the power used in the wooing of money is not greatly different from that used in wooing a lover. That power, when successfully used in the pursuit of money, must be mixed with persistence. It must be applied through a plan, and that plan must be set into action.
- Napoleon Hill