Quotes about Savior
If a system could give us what we need, Jesus would never have come.
- Paul David Tripp
Jesus knew he had come not just to preach the gospel of sacrifice, but also to be that sacrifice, yet he was perfectly willing.
- Paul David Tripp
The entire hope of fallen humanity rests on this one thing—that there is a Savior who is eternally steadfast in redeeming, forgiving, reconciling, transforming, and delivering love. Without this, the Bible is a book of interesting stories and helpful principles, but it is devoid of any power to fix what sin has broken.
- Paul David Tripp
And not only does he live inside of you, he rules all the situations, locations, and relationships that are out of your control. He is not only your indwelling Savior, he is your reigning King. He does in you what you could not do for yourself and he does outside of you what you have no power or authority to do. And he does all of this with your redemptive good in mind. Since this is true, why would you give way to fear?
- Paul David Tripp
Tomorrow there is a good possibility that complaint will be on your lips, and when it is, cry out for your Savior's help. He alone can open your eyes to his glory. His grace alone can satisfy your heart. And as you cry out, remember that he is so rich in grace that he will never turn a deaf ear to your cries.
- Paul David Tripp
You don't have to worry about whether your wrongs will be forgiven and your weaknesses greeted with patience and grace. You don't have to worry, because you have a Savior who has invaded your life with his grace and has made you the place where he dwells.
- Paul David Tripp
No debemos ofrecer a la gente un sistema de redención, un conjunto de ideas y principios. A la gente le ofrecemos un Redentor.
- Paul David Tripp
God knew that we would convince ourselves that we are okay when we're not okay. So he designed a means for us to be confronted again and again with the depth of our sin and the expansive glory of his provision in the person and work of the Lamb, the Savior, the Redeemer—the Lord Jesus Christ.
- Paul David Tripp
Suffering has the power to expose what you've been trusting in all along. If you lose your hope when your physical body fails, maybe your hope wasn't really in your Savior after all.
- Paul David Tripp
You no longer have to hope and pray that someday you will measure up, because Jesus has measured up on your behalf.
- Paul David Tripp
Many people will get up today and in some way will ask creation to be their savior, that is, to give them what only God is able to give.
- Paul David Tripp
We don't offer people a system; we point them to a Redeemer. He is hope.
- Paul David Tripp