Quotes about Altruism
ALMSDEED (ALMSDEED) n.s.[from alms and deed.]An act of charity; a charitable gift. This woman was full of good works, and almsdeeds which she did.BibleActs,ix. 36. Hard favour'd Richard, where art thou?Thou art not here: murder is thy almsdeed;Petitioner for blood thou ne'er put'st back.Shakespeare'sHenry VI.
- Samuel Johnson
One of the most important roles the family plays is as the first place where young people grow accustomed to considering the needs of other individuals and the community ahead of themselves.
- Scott Hahn
You have not lived today until you have done something for someone who can never repay you.
- John Bunyan
The proper use, then, of all the good gifts we have received is the free and generous sharing of those gifts with others.
- John Calvin
WE WILL MEET many difficulties as we try to dutifully seek the good of our neighbors. We won't make any headway in this regard unless we lay aside concern for ourselves—indeed, unless we somehow lay aside our very self.
- John Calvin
We are not our own, therefore let us forget ourselves and our own interests as far as possible.
- John Calvin
Our prayer must not be self-centered. It must arise not only because we feel our own need as a burden we must lay upon God, but also because we are so bound up in love for our fellow men that we feel their need as acutely as our own. To make intercession for men is the most powerful and practical way in which we can express our love for them.
- John Calvin
We need to build websites with celebrity speakers who talk about the ideals of fairness, sharing, democratic cooperation, and altruism in public life.
- Deepak Chopra
The true neighbor will risk his position, his prestige, and even his life for the welfare of others.
- Martin Luther King, Jr.
Life lived to help others is the only life that matters.
- Ben Stein
My constant prayer for myself is to be used in service for the greater good.
- Oprah Winfrey
I know this for sure, that doing good actually makes you better.
- Oprah Winfrey