Quotes about Altruism
Selfishness is weakness. But loving and caring for others is a position of power beyond anything we can possibly imagine.
- Joel Osteen
and have not Charity (that is, have not the Spirit of Christ) it profiteth me nothing.
- William Law
Give something, however small, to the one in need. For it is not small to one who has nothing. Neither is it small to God, if we have given what we could.
- Gregory of Nazianzus
When faith replaces doubt, when selfless service eliminates selfish striving, the power of God brings to pass His purposes.
- Thomas Monson
God gives us things to share, God doesn't give us things to hold.
- Mother Teresa
God didn't just give a little for us; He gave His best. He gave Himself.
- Francis Chan
The best thing we can do is be a servant of God. It does good to stand up and serve others.
- Fred Shuttlesworth
The womb is like an altar, it's the place where God continually comes into the world and does what only God can do...create.
- Peter Kreeft
Find out how much God has given you and from it take what you need; the remainder is needed by others.
- St. Augustine
Let's do something beautiful for God.
- Mother Teresa
God blesses us so that we might bless others!
- Charles Stanley
Prayer reminds me it's not just about me. It's about all the people with whom I share this planet, and all of whom God has created, and all of whom he cares just as much about as he cares about me.
- Mike Huckabee